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Shift je perspectief

Geregeld neem ik de tijd om diep na te denken over het leven, veerkracht, (persoonlijk) leiderschap en zoveel meer. Ik tracht mijn blik op de wereld hier zo goed mogelijk te vertalen. Kruip via de volgende artikels in mijn gedachten en verkrijg nieuwe inzichten.

commitment leadership action

🔥GOING ALL IN: a powerful story about the sheer strength of commitment

March 11, 20242 min read

Since last year, I coach the students of 'Impactful Entrepreneurship' in Artevelde Hogeschool.

It's so awesome to see young, driven individuals with really creative ideas wanting to make an impact in the world. I can only support this way of Being and showing up.

During one of the sessions, I met Sibran. He's a grounded and very creative individual, wanting to advance his career as a self-employed musician and artist.

We striked great conversation, and it quickly clicked between us. With similar world-view and interests, he asked to set up a one-on-one Impact session.

My intention for these 'no strings attached' Impact sessions, is to show up fully as if I'm coaching a fully paying client.

We went deep on his challenge of not totally being and feeling like an artist/rapper, which impacted his lack of action steps and vision.

'Your actions are determined by how you occur to yourself, and the world around you occurs to you.', says the First Law of Performance by Steve Zaffron.

We were able to shift a lot for him on an identity level, and I saw the energy and drive that came as a result of his new self-concept.

We ended the session and I sent him a follow-up mail with an audio tape on going ALL IN in life.

After 2 months I saw him again in school, and he told me about everything that shifted: taking action, recording, less perfectionism and holding back, and...

A fucking tattoo on his chest, that says: 'I AM a rapper'.

'I am' is the most powerful creative statement that you can us, so he is very powerfully creating himself!

I love that guy, and the possibility he stands for in his life!

I couldn't believe my eyes, and started thinking about how I should add a disclaimer for my coaching: 'This can change your life forever (tattoos included).' 😄

Because it totally can.

Sorry Sibran's mom! (not really)

PS: If you would like to receive the audio that shifted everything for Sibran, write 'ALL IN' in the comments.

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Geregeld neem ik de tijd om diep na te denken over het leven, veerkracht, (persoonlijk) leiderschap en zoveel meer. Ik tracht mijn blik op de wereld hier zo goed mogelijk te vertalen. Kruip via de volgende artikels in mijn gedachten.