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Christophe gaat geregeld in diep en persoonlijk gesprek met high-performers zoals CEO's, ondernemers, topsporters, enzovoort. Een uiterst waardevolle podcast voor en door mensen met een

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Shift je perspectief

Geregeld neem ik de tijd om diep na te denken over het leven, veerkracht, (persoonlijk) leiderschap en zoveel meer. Ik tracht mijn blik op de wereld hier zo goed mogelijk te vertalen. Kruip via de volgende artikels in mijn gedachten en verkrijg nieuwe inzichten.

coaching challenge mindset

๐Ÿšฏ Facing what's not working in your life and business

March 11, 2024โ€ข2 min read

A couple of weeks ago, I attended the beautiful 'Being Business' Intensive, led by coaches Moritz Lembert and Ria Bauhofer in Vienna.

What started as an intention to look at my business and expanding it, turned out into so much more.

As things became more real and vulnerable, the little voice inside urged me to retreat from being challenged.

Being truly 'seen' by these two master coaches, in front of an audience of 20 very powerful people in their very own right, was intense...

One thing I'm very good at, is hiding behind a mask of 'Looking good and perfect'. I do that so people don't judge or reject me.

But boy, did Moritz and Ria see right through that. And there was no hiding possible.

I surrendered completely and experienced deep insights:

๐Ÿ‘๏ธ What I have come to see about myself, is that I shied away from showing 'all of Me' for so long. Rooted from a story of 'not being good enough as I am', I couldn't fully be Me.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธ What I have come to see about myself, is that I often found myself in the Observer stance of my life and business.

Standing on the sideline of my own life, I didn't fully risk it. I could complain about why 'things weren't always working' and I could soothe myself in plenty of excuses.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธ What I have come to see about myself, is that I didn't fully express who the fuck I was and what I needed, in order to not step on any toes and potentially lose people in my life.

And I have come to see one overarching Truth:

Within the fear of being rejected by others, I rejected myself first. So I would not get hurt and stay in control.

Obviously, this impacts my relationships, business and more.

What started as a Deep Dive into my business, 'cracked me open' as my coach calls it, to a new way of Being.

And this makes all the difference. Trust me.

I'm already feeling the power of stepping into new possibilities in the future and not being run by the past:

I am the Mind Shifter,

I am The Go To Performance Coach In The World,

I stand for the possibility of shifting human consciousness from Fear to Love, one person and business at a time.

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Geregeld neem ik de tijd om diep na te denken over het leven, veerkracht, (persoonlijk) leiderschap en zoveel meer. Ik tracht mijn blik op de wereld hier zo goed mogelijk te vertalen. Kruip via de volgende artikels in mijn gedachten.