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Geregeld neem ik de tijd om diep na te denken over het leven, veerkracht, (persoonlijk) leiderschap en zoveel meer. Ik tracht mijn blik op de wereld hier zo goed mogelijk te vertalen. Kruip via de volgende artikels in mijn gedachten en verkrijg nieuwe inzichten.

strong weak strength

Can you be strong enough to be weak?

September 27, 20231 min read

You have to be strong enough to be weak

Reading this sentence some time ago, it really 'hit' me. It has stayed with me ever since.

For so long I thought I had to 'do' life and be all over it.

Be as strong as an ox. Take control. 'Fix' things.

Be in 'do' mode and be the protagonist of my life, on ALL levels.

You can definitely make a lot of things happen in this way. You have control, until you don't.

But what's your experience like? Often we can feel like we're wanting to go a certain way and life moves us in a completely different direction.

A lot of disappointment, negativity and friction is the result.

A suboptimal life experience, despite certain results and successes in life.

In the epic Samurai story 'The Book of Five Rings', Musashi's master also points to the fact that he's very strong and controlling.

And that that's exactly what's stopping him from optimal flow state performance.

'Your strength is your problem. You must learn to control it, become weaker...', he said to the young Samurai.

The great paradox of having a deep and fulfilling experience, is to let go during the dance of life too.

Allow yourself to be led instead of always wanting to lead, during the dance.

It takes great strength to give up that control, to be 'weak'.

Can you allow yourself to be weaker?



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Geregeld neem ik de tijd om diep na te denken over het leven, veerkracht, (persoonlijk) leiderschap en zoveel meer. Ik tracht mijn blik op de wereld hier zo goed mogelijk te vertalen. Kruip via de volgende artikels in mijn gedachten.